Enrolled: 0 students
Duration: 1 Hour 45 Minutes
Lectures: 8
Video: 1 Hour 45 Minutes
Level: Intermediate
  • Training Objective: To get acquainted with:
  • How new products are launched.
  • The challenges in managing product lifecycle.
  • Implications of product lifecycle of various types of industries.


Course Content:


Product and Product Life Cycle:

Lesson 1: Difference between product & Brand (Definition of Product, Classification of Products)

Lesson 2: Product launch Phases / Stages – (Pre-launch, launch and post launch)

Lesson 3: PLC stages – (Product development Life cycle, Introduction, Growth, Maturity, Decline, Example of PLC, Strategies for each style of PLC, Cost Changes in PLC, Testing Product Life Cycle, Advantages of PLC, Limitations of PLC, Factors impacting PLC)

Lesson 4: PLC challenges

Lesson 5: A Comparative study of product life cycle and its marketing applications


  • Target Audience: This course is advocated for –
    • All the working professionals as well for the ones who are fresh graduates and are hunting for suitable jobs in Product management and product related domains.
    • Those who wish to know more about how to manage Products in the market.


  • Training Methodologies
    • Power Point Presentation, with Audio & Video
    • Demonstrations and explanations with real life examples and sharing of experiences


  • Language of delivery: English & Hindi


  • Duration of Courses: 1 hour 45 mins


  • Evaluation of Training: Quiz


14 questions
Preparing your company for growth is the core goal of successful product lifecycle management. Every product has a lifecycle that is divided into different stages. Additionally, the expectations made on a product manager frequently change based on the stage of the product's lifetime. To move a product to the next stage of its lifecycle while also following the direction of the product strategy, the product manager must apply a variety of mental abilities and skills. This course will help in gaining these skills. Students who complete this course will have the knowledge and abilities to comprehend product life cycle stages and how it affects businesses and marketing plans.
Contents of the presentation are:  Lesson 1: Difference between Product & Brand • Definition of Product • Classification of Products  Lesson 2: Product launch Phases • Pre-launch • Launch • Post Launch  Lesson 3: PLC stages • Product development Life cycle • Introduction • Growth • Maturity • Decline • Example of PLC • Strategies for each style of PLC • Cost Changes in PLC • Testing Product Life Cycle • Advantages of PLC • Limitations of PLC • Factors impacting PLC  Lesson 4: PLC challenges  Lesson 5: A Comparative study of product life cycle and its marketing applications
Duration of this course is 1 hour 45 mins
This course is recommended for all the working professionals as well for the ones who are fresh graduates or post graduates in business administration and are hunting for suitable jobs in Product management and product life cycle.
Based on the entire course both single choice and multiple-choice questions needs to be attempted after the course is over. Marks are allotted for the correct answer to the quiz. In case of multiple-choice questions, full marks will be given only when the answer is fully. Upon securing 60% and above, the certificate of completion shall be given to the participants.
The course session is delivered by video. The video shows PowerPoint presentation with the presenter’s window at the side of the deck. The trainer gives live examples and explains the concepts with demonstrations when needed. The mode of language for delivery is both English and Hindi.

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