Customer Communication

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Enrolled: 0 students
Duration: 2 HOURS
Lectures: 8
Video: 2 HOURS
Level: Intermediate

Training Objective:

o To develop communication skills in order to work effectively with your Customers/Clients by:

▪ Recognizing the importance of proper Grooming and following recommendations

▪ Understanding the process of communication and improving listening & speaking skills

▪ Knowing Telephone etiquette and implementing Scripts for your telecalls

o To create a lasting impression with a good image of oneself in the minds of Customers/Clients, and therefore make the relationship strong and long!

Course content:

The entire course is divided into lessons and the following are the main topics discussed –

o Introduction – Background of Man and Society, Perception vs Reality, Definitions – Customer & Communication, Benefits of good customer communication

o Grooming – Importance of good physical appearance, Professional look, dressing for success, making great first impressions, Power stance, Social etiquette while dealing with customer

o Communication – Need for Communication, Customer impact of poor listening and speaking, Communication – methods, process, equation and information richness, Interferences to effective Communication

o Active listening and speaking skills – Hearing vs Listening, Passive vs Active listening, How to listen actively, Components of speaking skills, Asking Open and Closed-ended questions, Non-verbal skills and examples

o Telephone etiquette – Flow of general telecall with the customer, scripts with hints for telecalls with customer

o Summary – Synopsis of course with highlights of communication and telephone etiquette • Target audience:

This course is advocated for those who are –

o Interfacing with the customer as a part of their employment o Interested in a Sales or Marketing career, e.g. Students or Working Professionals

o Looking to improve their communication skills

Training methodologies:

o PowerPoint Presentation, with Audio & Video

o Demonstrations and explanations with real-life examples and sharing of experience

• Language of delivery: English + Hindi

• Duration of course: 2 hours

• Evaluation of Training:

o Final Quiz: Passing Grade is 60%


Trainer Introduction
Lesson1 – Introduction
Lesson 2 – Grooming
Lesson 3 – Communication Skills
Lesson 4.1 – Active Listening and Speaking Skills
Lesson 4.2 – Active Listening and Speaking Skills
Lesson 5 – Telephone Etiquette
Lesson 6 – Summary
6 questions
In today’s cut throat competition in the corporate world, a role which involves dealing with the customer, must have good communication skills and the necessary tact to handle the customer. A happy customer is a loyal one, and means continued business for your company. Apart from that, your increment, promotion, on-site opportunities and even your job depends on how well your Customer Communication is. Hence one should attend this course to understand the finer aspects of Communication with some special hints on handling telephone calls with the customer, and get ahead in their careers!
The following are the topics covered in this course: ▪ Recognizing the importance of proper Grooming and following the recommendations shared in the course ▪ Understanding the process of communication in more detail with focus on active listening & speaking skills ▪ Knowing more about Telephone etiquette and implementing Scripts for your telecalls with the customer
The course has been divided into six lessons each with a different topic of Customer communication. The total running time is 120 min (2 hours).
This course is advocated for those who are already interfacing with the customer as a part of their employment, or those who are interested in a Sales or Marketing career, e.g. Students or Working Professionals. Lastly anyone looking to improve their communication skillsshould attend. Although not mandatory, some corporate experience would help.
The videos have a Power Point Presentation with slides running in the background, with the trainer giving explanations, demonstrations. There are real life examples and sharing of experiences by the trainer as well, making it very interesting for the participants. Both English and Hindi are used in the delivery.
Each of the lesson has a quiz with multiple choices which needs to be attempted after the lesson is over, and before moving on to the next lesson. Marks are allotted for the correct answer to the quiz and the scoring for all the lessons is aggregated. Upon securing 60% and above, the certificate of completion shall be given to the participants.

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