Corporate Etiquette

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Enrolled: 0 students
Duration: 45 Minutes
Lectures: 10
Video: 45 Minutes
Level: Beginner

Training Objective:

To get acquainted with the various elements of Corporate Etiquette as unde

  • Politeness, Courtesy and Manners
  • Grooming and Body language
  • Punctuality & Professionalism

Table Manners and Meal Etiquette
thereby enabling a mutually respectful atmosphere at work in order to work effectively with colleagues and

Course content:

The entire course is divided into lessons and the following are the main topics discussed –

  • Introduction – Definition of Corporate Etiquette, consequences (of poor) & benefits (of good corporate
  • Politeness – Definition, Handshaking (HS), Business Cards Exchange (BCE)
  • Courtesy – Definition, examples, benefits
  • Manners – Definition, examples, benefits
  • Punctuality – Definition, tips, benefits
  • Professionalism – Definition, examples
  • Grooming & Body language – Grooming tips, Body language examples
  • Table Manners and Meal Etiquette – Basic Dining Etiquette, Before meal, During meal and After meal
  • Summary – Synopsis of course with highlights of corporate etiquette

Target audience:

This course is advocated for –

  • Business professionals and team members of all levels in corporates
  • Students, job seekers
  • Anyone looking to know more about Corporate Etiquette and improve themselves

Training methodologies:

  • Power Point Presentation, with Audio & Video
  • Demonstrations and explanations with real life examples and sharing of experiences
  • Language of delivery: English and Hindi
  • Duration of course: 45min
  • Evaluation of Training: Quiz

About the trainer
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Lesson 5
Lesson 6
Lesson 7
Lesson 8
Lesson 9
Final Quiz
9 questions
Anyone working in a corporate environment has to deal with seniors, co-workers, customers and so on. It is essential that the work atmosphere is one with mutual respect which is vital to enable productivity. Apart from that, it is also imperative to build confidence, trust and credibility with both internal members of the organization as well as the external customers. If your image at work is excellent, it ultimately reflects on your performance. Your increment, promotion, on-site opportunities, etc. depend on this. Hence one should attend this course to understand the finer aspects of Corporate Etiquette, implement it successfully at work and thus advance in their careers!
The following are the topics covered in this course: ▪ Recognizing the importance of Politeness, Courtesy and Manners to build goodwill in the organization ▪ Grooming and Body language to boost your confidence ▪ Punctuality and Professionalism to make you a dependable person ▪ Table Manners and Meal Etiquette for a good impression while dining with colleagues and/or customers
The course has been divided into nine lessons each with a different topic of Corporate Etiquette. The total running time is 45 min.
This course is advocated for those who are already working in a corporate environment, e.g. Business professionals and team members of all levels in corporates. This course is also beneficial to students, job seekers or basically anyone looking to know more about Corporate Etiquette and improve themselves. Although not mandatory, some corporate experience would help.
The videos have a PowerPoint Presentation with slides running in the background, with the trainer giving explanations, and demonstrations. There are real-life examples and sharing of experiences by the trainer as well, making it very interesting for the participants. Both English and Hindi are used in the delivery.
This course has a final quiz with multiple choices which needs to be attempted after the lesson is over, and before moving on to the next lesson. Marks are allotted for the correct answer to the quiz. Upon securing 60% and above, the certificate of completion shall be given to the participants

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