Training Objective:

  • All the factors including internal and external factors which influences the way consumer behaves while buying.
  • The phases of buying process which a consumer goes through while buying any goods or services.
  • The traditional and contemporary consumer behaviour model which helps marketers to plan their strategies.
  • The research in consumer buying behaviour in two contexts i.e., online shopping and effect of COVID 19


Course Content:

  • Lesson 1 – Factors influencing consumer behaviour:
    • Internal factors: perception, memory, learning
    • External factors:
      • Demographics (family, family life cycle)
      • Psychographics (motivations, perceptions, performance, benefits and attitudes)
      • Cultural
      • Socioeconomic – income
      • Reference groups – aspiration, non-membership and membership groups, formal and informal groups
  • Lesson 2 – Buying decision making process:
        • Stage 1: Need Recognition
        • Stage 2: Information Search
        • Stage 3: Product Evaluation
        • Stage 4: Purchase Decision
        • Stage 5: Post Purchase Decision
  • Lesson 3 – Traditional Consumer Behaviour Models:
      • Economic model – price effect, substitution effect
      • Pavlovian learning model
      • Sociological model
      • Psychoanalytic model
  • Lesson 4 – Contemporary Consumer Behaviour Models:
        • Howard Sheth Model
        • Engel-Kollat-Blackwell Model (EKB)
        • Nicosia Model
        • Stimulus Response Model
  • Lesson 5 – Research Paper Analysis –
          • The study of effect of covid-19 on Consumer Behaviour towards ITC food sector products.
          • Consumer Complain Behaviour (Online Shopping) – Proposed Instrument


Target Audience:

  • All the working professionals
  • Fresh graduates or post graduates in business administration
  • Those who are hunting for suitable jobs in Market research or customer services


Training Methodologies –

  • Power Point Presentation, with Audio & Video
  • Demonstrations and explanations with real life examples and sharing of experiences
  • Language of delivery: English & Hindi
  • Duration of Course: 2 hours
  • Evaluation of Training: Quiz (Passing Marks 60%)

Lesson 1.1
Lesson 1.2
Lesson 2
Lesson 3.1
Lesson 3.2
Lesson 4.1
Lesson 4.2
Lesson 5.1
Lesson 5.2.1
Lesson 5.2.2
Lesson 5.3
Final Quiz
8 questions

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