Edshire`s vision is to be the number one in providing values to the society. Edshire is an online marketplace of courses where one can learn and teach new skills, Online instructors and students can interact and transfer values (skills) and keep uplifting the society. Edshire is here for generating values for both of our instructors and learners.

Edshire`s mission is to

Generate values

Upgrade skills

Promoting education


Edshire is a concept that

  • Uplift Careers
  • Promote Education
  • Empower people
  • Upgrade skill
  • Is a component to win

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    Board of Directors

    Tanzil A. Khan

    Tanzil A. Khan

    Managing Director

    MBA - Cardiff Metropolitan University, UK

    Arshad R. Khan

    Arshad R. Khan


    Ex - State Level Coordinator, Ministry of Minority Affairs, Govt. Of India

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